negotiationofspace finds it's identity

today i met with charles grant - typographical perfectionist and negotiationofspace's logo creator. we met to discuss the finer details and come to conclusions on the kind of things which turns an excellent logo into an amazing logo.

what struck me as we discussed thickness of font, readability, spacing etc etc over pizza and salad was that negotiationofspace whilst in the first steps of finding it's identity was doing so in exactly the way we hoped for.

through the sharing of ideas and learning from each other, through engaging with passionate, talented people, through talking and most importantly through enjoying the process (well i am at least, i hope charles does too) negotiationofspace plans to evolve.

the logo itself is unique and special. within the design are two small characters - a hand drawn sketch that charles quickly drew on the back of an envelope in response to our requests. it was the first thing he did but it has become one of the most important elements of the design. in today's discussion we talked about how this small element, a simple part in the overall design must not loose any of it's 'sketchyness', become too computerised or lose spontaneity - it is a reaction, a personal response, emotional and human, it is negotiation between us and him.

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