proposal to bodyworlds 2010

dancers work with their bodies every single day, most try to understand their physicality from the inside out. dance inspires awe of the body. body worlds provides a unique setting for both an exploration and celebration of the body through dance.

negotiationofspace proposes a meeting of these two worlds - the internal anatomy, provided by body worlds, and the external movement that is a direct result of the internal structure, shown through dance. by seeing the body as it is constructed, in juxtaposition with the body in motion, it will give the general public a unique and whole experience of the human body.

suggested performance options

there are number of ways to structure this collaboration, including;

1. a ‘durational’ installation performed by hannah buckley. in this case the dancer would become an exhibit, with continuous movement through out the day, responding to what she sees around her and exploring the functionality of her body.

2. a pre prepared solo, performed by hannah buckley. this would consist of a development of the solo ‘amytalk’, which would move from abstract concepts of the body in to a functional exploration of the body. this could be performed at set times through out the day.

3. a week long ‘residency’, during which hannah buckley would work live in the exhibition space to create a work, taking inspiration from her surroundings.

a final idea has not been suggested as it was thought best to leave this decision to body worlds, in relation to what is the most preferable option for them.


as mentioned earlier negotiationofspace came from the desire to explore our experience as twins, consequently this factor informs all the work we create, although, the visibility of this influence varies from piece to piece.

the biology and phenomena that is identical twins lends a special relevance to this collaborative celebration of the wonders of the human body.

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