
i recently went to see candice breitz exhibition 'factum', at the white cube gallery in london.

'factum is a series of in-depth video portraits of twins - and one set of triplets - that extends Breitz's ongoing interest in doubling, portraiture and identity. title after robert rauschenberg's factum I and II (1957) near-identical twin paintings, Breitz's 'factum' explores the modes of internal and external forces that drive individuation.'

i, we, have never really heard other twins about what it is to be a twin, and i found the experience quite emotional and intense, in the most positive of ways. i felt lucky to be a twin and sad that amy wasn't there to see the exhibition with me.

a couple of things that the twins in the exhibition talked about and i can strongly relate to are the feelings of completeness that come from being a twin, and the absolute unknowing of what you would do if your twin died.

there were lots of things in the exhibition that could relate to most sibling relationships, or even just relationships in general, but i still came away with the feeling that there is something special about twins and their relationship, i just can't tell you what or why, but the exhibition did make me realise that its probably something to do with coming from the same egg.

click here to view candice breitz's website

to view extracts from the twin videos go to the website above and click work, video then factum.

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