hannah food - tuesday


7.50 1 and a bit handfuls of fruit and fibre
then 1 handful swiss muesli, soya milk on both
1 cup hot water

8.10 8 chinese herbal tablets
few mouthfuls of water with apple cider vinegar

10.45 1 homemade brown bread roll with homemade lentil and pesto spread

11.00 2 dates
11.21 2 dates

11.30 1 homemade brown roll with homemade lentil and pesto spread, and fresh boiled beetroot
2 celery sticks, 2 pieces fennel
1 date
1 quarter orange

16.23 banana
3 celery sticks
1 big piece fennel

18.00 3 celery sticks
18.55 3 quarters orange
19.20 handful bean sprouts

19.30 bowl homemade soup - cabbage, onion, celery, tofu and mung beans
with 1.5 handfuls whole wheat pasta.

19.50 half a plum
20.00 1 beetroot
1 small tomato

22.00 8 chinese herbal tablets
22.20 handful fruit and fibre
22.30 bowl stewed plum and plain yoghurt

throughout the day 1 - 1.5 litres water + 1 glass water with tsp apple cider vinegar

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