amy food - tuesday


11.30 bowl of raw oats
handful of cranberries, almonds and raisons
¼ pear
a lot of 1% milk

15.46 ¼ med pizza; tomato and homemade pesto (organic from the farmers market)
salad; tomato, lettuce, cucumber, avocado
large handful of sun chips

18.25 apple
18.45 sunchips
21.30 couple of honey mustard pretzel ‘bits’

22.00 half of the pizza from lunch with half a plate of same salad

23.00 small handful of dried berries
2.30 am ½ carrot cake muffin

3.30 am spinach mushroom, goats cheese and mozzarella quesadilla with sour cream, gucamole and tomato salsa

to drink; water, decaf green tea, peppermint tea, glass diet pepsi

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